Employee Spotlight: Steve Paiement

Western Storage and Handling Blog

This month, we’re excited to profile our Southern Colorado Manager, Steve Paiement! Steve is based out of our Colorado Springs office and has 23 years of experience in the warehouse storage and material handling business. He is our expert in “Operational layout planning projects that result in improved workflow while maximizing storage capacity,” and he serves theSteve Paiement, Colorado Springs, warehouse storage, material handling business, material handling, Western Storage and handling area from Castle Rock & Monument to the Southern Colorado border.

When asked about his customer service style, Steve said “Listening to the customer is, first and foremost, the most important part of getting the job done right.” Steve said. “I also believe being an Industrial Engineer and having experience as an operations manager helps me understand what clients are looking for in a trusted partner.”

“I enjoy working with clients to help determine the best solution to whatever their operational or process issues are, and seeing the results post-implementation,” he added.

Most recently, Steve worked on large-scale warehouse reconfiguration for a new business, complete with a 15,000 square-foot cage and a mezzanine installation. “We helped our client avoid leasing more space and expanded their floor space by 40%. These are the types of results I go for day to day.”


5 Questions for Steve Paiement

1- Looking back at all your installation jobs and planning projects, is there one that sticks out as being the most interesting or fun to work on?

We were hired to analyze pick paths and slotting for a large clothing distributor in Denver, and had very good results reducing average pick path and costs by over 50% with a new layout and slotting plan. I came back to check on the results of the job and learned that one of the pickers had taken up late-night walks because her workday walk-time had been so dramatically cut! A great example of finding improvements that increase production without asking more from your people!!

2- What is the most creative or unconventional job you’ve ever worked on?

We helped a client convert a livestock arena into a distribution center. The good news was that there were no building columns to work around, a dream for anyone who has developed a warehouse layout. The opportunity was the floor: it had a 6” rise and drop every 25’ in one direction, and an overall building slope of 1” every 30’ the other direction. Needless to say, our installation crew’s expertise was on full display when shimming to ensure that everything came out plumb and square!


Esben 5, Steve Paiement, Colorado Springs, warehouse storage, material handling business, material handling, Western Storage and handling

3- Where’s the farthest you’ve traveled for a job?

I spent about 8 months half-time in the small town of Tipp City, OH re-engineering a large pick and pack operation. It was rewarding to see an operation transform from labor-intensive cart picking to an efficient pick/pack process with conveyors and proper material planning. The project was very challenging and intense, and I thoroughly enjoyed becoming a part-time local in a small town.

4- Where’s your favorite place in the world?

It’s a tie between the back bowls of Vail on a powder day and the beaches of Maui just about any other day.

5- What’s a fun fact about you people may not know?

My lovely wife and I have been friends since the 7th grade, though she was smart enough to not date me until we were 19! 

Contact Steve about your next warehouse storage project

Let Steve be your single point of contact for your next storage project by calling 877-669-6602. He looks forward to learning all about your project and how he can help assist in creating solutions for your warehouse space.

Have you worked with Steve on a project? Google Business Reviews!


Serving Colorado, Eastern Wyoming and Western Nebraska.

We have both Denver and Colorado Springs locations! 


1630 West Evans Ave, unit L

Denver, Colorado 80110

Phone: 303-937-8376


1880 Office Club Pointe

Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Phone: 719-272-8253